Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha


Father's Name:Late Shri Amir Chand Date of Birth: 25 September 1927 Place of Birth: Hafizabad (now in Pakistan) Marital Status: Married on 16 February 1957 Spouse's Name:Smt. Uma Jagmohan Children: One son and one daughter Educational Qualifications :
M.A. Educated at Govt. Schools and Colleges in Punjab and Delhi Permanent Address :
61, Lodhi Estate, New Delhi-110003 Positions Held :
1980-81 and 1982-84Lt. Governor, Delhi 1981-82Lt. Governor, Goa, Daman and Diu 1984-89 and 1990Governor, Jammu and Kashmir May 1990-1996Member (nominated), Rajya Sabha Member, Committee of Privileges, Rajya Sabha Member, Standing Committee on Urban and Rural Development 1996Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh) Favourite Pastime and Recreation :
Reading and writing books and undertaking reforms Sports and Clubs :
Member, Indian Council of World Affairs and Life Member, India International Centre Books Published :
(i) "Rebuilding Shahjahanabad-Walled City of Delhi", (ii) "Island of Truth", (iii) "The Challenge of our Cities" and (iv) "My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir" which has run into several editions and translated in eleven regional languages
Special Interests :
Literary, social and cultural work Countries Visited :
Around the world in 1964-69 on Ford Foundation and I.I.P.A. Fellowship; attended U.N. Conference on Habitat at Vancouver in 1976
Other Information :
Retired from Government service; worked for the improvement of slum clearance in Delhi under Delhi Master Plan; Awarded (i) Padma Shri in 1971; (ii) Padma Bhushan in 1977; and (iii) Australian Cultural Award in 1975
Election Result :
New Delhi Lok Sabha constituency Total electorate5,05,445 Total votes polled2,61,159 Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates : (1) Shri Jagmohan (B.J.P.)1,39,945 (2) Shri Rajesh Khanna (I.N.C.) 81,630 (3) Shri Shoaib Iqbal (J.D.) 17,905 (4) Shri Madan Singh Bisht [A.I.I.C. (T)] 5,027